Abigail D. Newman specializes in Early Modern European art, particularly the intersections of the art of the Low Countries with the Iberian world. Her dissertation, which she is now revising for publication as a book, was titled “Flanders Abroad: The Flemish Artistic Presence in 17th-Century Madrid.” It focused on the role of Flemish painters and paintings in transforming Spanish tastes, collecting, and art production in the Spanish Golden Age. Her doctoral research in Madrid and Antwerp was supported by a Spears Travel Fund grant and a Donald and Mary Hyde Academic-Year Fellowship for Research Abroad in the Humanities (both from Princeton), a Fulbright grant, a Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship, and a Mellon-Council for European Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowship. Her dissertation was awarded Princeton’s Jane Faggen Ph.D. Dissertation Prize in Art & Archaeology in 2017.
She received her B.A. in 2006 from Brown and her M.A. in 2011 and Ph.D. in 2016 from Princeton. She has worked at Glessner House Museum in Chicago, the RISD Museum in Providence, RI, the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, CT, and the Rubenshuis Musuem in Antwerp, Belgium. Her writing has appeared in exhibition catalogues on art forgery, Nazi-looted paintings, 20th-century Parisian portraiture, and Flemish animal paintings, among others. She has delivered papers at conferences in Brussels, Ghent, ’s-Hertogenbosch, New York, Prague, Rotterdam, San Diego, and Washington, D.C., and her articles have appeared in the Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek and De Zeventiende eeuw, among other publications. She has twice served as a visiting professor at the Universiteit Gent and currently works as Research Adviser at the Rubenianum in Antwerp and as a part-time professor in the History Department (teaching Art History courses) at the Universiteit Antwerpen.
Selected Publications
Contributed to Ben Van Beneden, ed., From Titian to Rubens: Masterpieces from Antwerp and other Flemish Collections (Ghent/Venice: Snoeck Publishers/Palazzo Ducale, 2019). [Wrote 7 catalogue entries]
Rubens’s St. Andrew “de los Flamencos”: Altarpiece Enframed by a Spanish-Flemish Community / Altaarstuk omkaderd door een Spaans-Vlaamse gemeenschap, trans. by Erik Tack (Antwerp: Rubenshuis/BAI, 2018).
“Netherlandish Artists and the Marketing of ‘Flemishness’ in Madrid.” De zeventiende eeuw 31.1 (2015). 78-100. Edited by Karolien De Clippel, Eric Jan Sluijter, and Filip Vermeylen.
Review of Aneta Georgievska-Shine and Larry Silver, Rubens, Velázquez, and the King of Spain (2014) in Historians of Netherlandish Art Review of Books (2015).
“Bosch’s Disparates in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Collections.” Jheronimus Bosch. His Patrons and his Public (’s-Hertogenbosch: Jheronimus Bosch Art Center, 2014): 172–88. Edited by Jos Koldeweij and Jo Timmermans, et al.
“Juan de la Corte: ‘Branding’ Flanders Abroad.” Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek 63 (2014): Art and Migration. Netherlandish Artists on the Move, 1400–1750: 265-301. Edited by Frits Scholten, Joanna Woodall, and Dulcia Meijers.
“‘Small Matters’: Painting and Perceiving Flemish and Spanish Figures and their Surroundings.” The Visual Arts in Early Modern Europe. Central European and American Perspectives (Brno: Masaryk University – Princeton University, 2013): 75–93. Edited by Ondřej Jakubec.
“Revisiting Hans von Aachen’s Moses Parting the Red Sea in Princeton.” Hans von Aachen in Context: Proceedings of the International Conference, Prague, 22–25 September 2010 (Prague: Artefactum, 2012): 134-40. Edited by Lubomír Konečný and Štěpán Vácha.
With Kenneth E. Silver, Paris Portraits: Artists, Friends, and Lovers (London: Yale University Press, 2008).
Contributed to Peter C. Sutton, et al., Reclaimed: Paintings from the Collection of Jacques Goudstikker (London: Yale University Press, 2008).
With Peter C. Sutton, et al., Fakes and Forgeries: The Art of Deception (Greenwich, CT: Bruce Museum, 2007).
“Witch Images: Collections of Knowledge, Moralizing Scenes and Depictions of Erotica.” The Collegiate Journal of Art, A Dartmouth Undergraduate Publication, Vol. II (Hanover, NH: fall 2005): 28–44.
(as editor or translator)
Abigail D. Newman and Lieneke Nijkamp, eds., Undressing Rubens: Fashion and Painting in Seventeenth-Century Antwerp (Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, Brepols, 2019).
Koen Bulckens, The Ministry of Christ, trans. (from Dutch) by Abigail D. Newman, Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, vol. V.2 (Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, Brepols, 2017).