Alanna S. Radlo-Dzur is an art historian of Indigenous arts in the Americas. With a background as a filmmaker and lens-based artist, she is the 2023–24 Postdoctoral Research Associate in Indigenous and Native North American Studies in the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University. Her dissertation research considers the graphic depiction of invisible concepts— from the sensorium to the divine—in postclassic and early colonial Nahua artistic traditions of central Mexico. A second project explores the fluid roles of diplomats, huaqueros, museum staff, and art dealers in the history of collecting Precolumbian objects of Gran Nicoya on the Pacific coast of Central America. Her work with the Florentine Codex Initiative at the Getty Research Institute and the K’acha Willaykuna Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Art and Humanities community at Ohio State University demonstrate her advocacy for language revitalization and the creation of open-access projects that open archives to empower Indigenous communities.
M.A., University of Chicago, 2016
Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2023
Selected Publications
Alanna S. Radlo-Dzur, “Scrolls of smoke and sky: an analysis of scent and sound in the Borgia group manuscripts.” In Art and the Senses in Ancient America. Materiality & Meanings. Edited by Ma. Luisa Vázquez de Ágredos Pascual, Ana García Barrios, and Megan O’Neil. Archaeopress, Oxford, forthcoming.
Kim Richter, Alicia María Houtrouw, Bérenice Gaillemin, and Alanna Radlo-Dzur. “Creating the Digital Florentine Codex: Collaboration and Reproduction in the Digital Age,” Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, Dialogues: Reproduction and the Mesoamerican Book, edited by Alex Hidalgo, 5.4 (2023): 102-114.
Alanna S. Radlo-Dzur, Mackenzie Cooley, Emily Kaplan, Leah Bright, E. Keats Webb, Amanda Satorius. “The Tira of Don Martín: A Living Nahua Chronicle,” Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, 3.3 (2021): 7-37.