Mark Paul is a current graduate student in the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University focusing on Roman art and its reception. He graduated from University of St Andrews in 2016 with a first class undergraduate degree in English and art history, and Columbia University with a Master of Arts in art history in 2018. He is also a former Curatorial Intern (2017–2018) at the Andy Warhol Film Project, Whitney Museum of American Art, where assisted with archival research for the forthcoming second volume of the catalogue raisonée of the films of Andy Warhol (1963–67) (Yale University Press).
At Princeton, Paul's primary focus is upon Roman sculpture and painting, with an ancillary interest in the afterlives of ancient artworks in the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods. Much of his research is likewise engaged in the interactions between Early Modern artistic production and antiquarian scholarship, through the interrelated processes of spoliation, collection, restoration, display, and publication. Broadly speaking, his work considers the various boundaries between classical and early to post-modern culture, and the role of antiquity in the shaping of art history as a discipline.