Peng Peng

Ph.D., 2018
Chinese Art


Peng Peng is currently an assistant professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Prior to this appointment, Dr. Peng was a visiting assistant professor of Asian art history at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. His research centers on the art, archaeology, and material culture of ancient East Asia. His book Metalworking in Bronze Age China: The Lost-Wax Process (Cambria, 2020) is well received in the academic world. He is now working on his second book, Bronze Casting in Early China (manuscript in progress, under contract with Amsterdam University Press), in addition to several other research projects.

Selected Publications


(Forthcoming) Bronze Casting in Early China (Book manuscript in progress, under contract with Amsterdam University Press).

(2020) Metalworking in Bronze Age China: The Lost-Wax Process. Amherst, New York: Cambria Press

Selected Research Grants and Awards

Principal Investigator, RGC Early Career Scheme (“Early Chinese Investment Casting in Comparative Perspective: Craft Production, Consumption, and Patronage,” 557,000 HKD, 24 months, 2021–2022).

Principal Investigator, Direct Grant for Research (“Reexamining the ‘Circum-Yellow Sea Cross-cultural Sphere’: Metallurgical Interactions between Korean Peninsula, Japanese Archipelago, and Early China,” Faculty of Arts, CUHK, 97,500 HKD, 12 months, 2021–2022).

Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award , CUHK, 2020 (awarded in 2021).

Principal Investigator, Direct Grant for Research (“Rethinking the ‘Crescent-shaped Cultural-Communication Belt’: Archeometallurgical Evidences from Early Chinese Frontiers,” Faculty of Arts, CUHK, 80,550 HKD, 12 months, 2020–2021).

Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Doctoral/Dissertation Fellowship (“The Lost-wax Casting Technology in Bronze Age China,” 18,000 USD, 2017–2018).

The NCHA (National Committee of the History of Art) Award, 2016.

Journal Articles

“Was Lost-wax Casting Adopted in Pre-Qin Chinese Bronze Art?” Orientations, January/February 2018, pp. 103–111.

“A Study on the Origin of Chinese Lost-wax Casting from the Perspectives of Art, Technology, and Social Agency.” Sino-Platonic Papers, edited by Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania (United States), Jan 2017(Number 265), pp. 1–48.

30-Second Ancient China. Lewes: Ivy Press. Book contributor with two entries: “Oracle Bone Inscriptions,” pp. 116–17, and “Bronze Inscriptions,” 2015, pp. 118-19.

"Lubei Laizhouwan Yanan Shangzhou Shiqi Zhiyan Gongyi Chutan"魯北萊州灣沿岸商周時期制鹽工藝初探 (A Preliminary Exploration on the Salt-producing Craft in the Region around Laizhou Bay in the Northern Shandong Province). Nanfang Wenwu南方文物 (Relic From South), edited by Jiangxi Provincial Museum and Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (Nanchang, China), 2012 (1): 53-58.

“Shilun Jindong Diqu de Nongye Qiyuan” 試論近東地區的農業起源——以植物的栽培和馴化為中心(On the Origins of Agriculture in the Near East: Cultivation and Domestication of Plants). Sichuan Wenwu 四川文物 (Sichuan Antiquity), edited by Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau (Chengdu, China), 2012 (3): 37–47.

Peng Peng and Jang Ah Reum “Shuishuxiansheng he ‘Guishi’: Shuizu Shehui zhong Liangzhong Shenfen de Bijiao” 水書先生"和"鬼師"----水族社會中兩種身份的比較 (Shui-scripture Master and Exorcist Master: a Comparison of Two Identities in the Society of Shui nationality). Zhongguo Renleixue Pinglun 中國人類學評論 (Chinese Review of Anthropology), edited by Beijing Central University for Nationalities of Ethnology and Anthropology (Beijing, China), Volume 19 (2011): 157–171. (First Author)

“Muzang Dengji Fenxi zhong Yizhong Lianghua Fangfa de Sikao: yi Dadianzi MudiWeili” 墓葬等級分析中壹種量化方法的思考——以大甸子墓地為例 (Considerations on a Quantitative Method for Mortuary Analysis by the Example of the Dadianzi Cemetery). Bianjiang Kaogu Yanjiu 邊疆考古研究 (Research of China’s Frontier Archaeology), edited by Research Center of Chinese Frontier Archaeology in Jilin University (Changchun, China), Volume 10 (2011): 54–72.

“Guanyu Chifeng Quyu Kaogu Diaocha zhong ‘Xiaocaijidian’ Xingzhi de yige Sikao” 關於赤峰區域考古調查中“小采集點”性質的壹個思考 (Considerations on the Nature of the Small Collections in the Regional Archaeological Survey of Chifeng), Xibu Kaogu 西部考古, edited by Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Research Center of the Northwest University (Xi’an, China), Volume 5 (2011): 141–156.

“Faguo Kaogu Manyi” 法國考古漫憶 (A Memory about the Excavation in France). Zhongguo Wenwubao 中國文物報 (China Cultural Relics News), edited by Chinese State Cultural Relics Bureau (Beijing, China), January 4th, 2008.

Academic Interviews

2017 “Di Yuzhou Jiaoshou Fangtanlu” 狄宇宙教授訪談錄(Interview of Prof. Nicolas DiCosmo). Interviewed by Peng Peng, Cao Dazhi and Cao Yecheng. Nanfang Wenwu南方 文物(Relic From South), edited by Jiangxi Provincial Museum and Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (Nanchang, China), 2017 (1): 40–45.

2014 “Aoliwei Jiaoshou Fangtanlu” 奧利維教授訪談錄 (Interview of Prof. Laurent Olivier). Interviewed by Peng Peng. Nanfang Wenwu南方文物 (Relic From South), edited by Jiangxi Provincial Museum and Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (Nanchang, China), 2014 (4): 14-18.


2017: Lothar von Falkenhausen: Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius (1000-250 BC), Chapters 1-3 translated by Peng Peng, Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Press, 2017. (From English to Chinese)

2010: Matin Hees. “Prehistoric Salt Production in Southwest Germany”, translated by Peng Peng, in Zhongguo Yanye Kaogu 中國鹽業考古 (Salt Archaeology in China), Volume 2, edited by Shuicheng Li and Lothar von Falkenhausen, Beijing: Science Press, 2010: 218-237. (From English to Chinese)

2010: Laurent Olivier. “The ‘Briquetage de la Seille’ (Moselle, France): An Iron-Age Proto-Industrial Salt-Extraction Center,” translated by Peng Peng, in Zhongguo Yanye Kaogu 中國鹽業考古 (Salt Archaeology in China), Volume 2, edited by Shuicheng Li and Lothar von Falkenhausen, Beijing: Science Press, 2010: 238-259. (From English to Chinese)

2008: Laurent Olivier & Joseph Kovacik. “The ‘Briquetage de la Seille’ (Lorraine, France): Proto-industrial salt production in the European Iron Age,” translated by Zhang Ying and Peng Peng, Nanfang Wenwu南方文物 (Relic From South), edited by Jiangxi Provincial Museum and Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (Nanchang, China), 2008 (1). (From English to Chinese)