Fall 2024
ART courses, along with their groupings and distribution areas.
A&A course distribution and cognate information can be found in the Undergraduate Handbook.
Group 1 Ancient
Antioch through the Ages - Archaeology and History (LA)
Subject associations
ART 418
/ HLS 418
/ CLA 418
/ PAW 418
Group 2 Medieval/Renaissance
Ten Essential Topics in Chinese Art and Culture (HA)
Subject associations
ART 218
/ EAS 238
Art and Power in the Middle Ages (HA or LA)
Subject associations
ART 228
/ HLS 228
/ MED 228
/ HUM 228
Nomi Schneck
The Art & Archaeology of Plague (HA or SEN)
Subject associations
ART 361
/ HIS 355
/ MED 361
/ HUM 361
Europe in the Making of Early Modern Chinese Art (HA)
Subject associations
ART 421
/ ECS 421
/ EAS 421
Elemental Ecologies in Early Modern Art (LA)
Subject associations
ART 484
/ ENV 484
/ ECS 484
Christine Göttler
Group 3 Modern/Contemporary
Ten Essential Topics in Chinese Art and Culture (HA)
Subject associations
ART 218
/ EAS 238
Art and Politics in Postcolonial Africa (LA)
Subject associations
ART 474
/ AAS 474
/ AFS 474
Distribution Area Only
An Introduction to the History of Architecture (LA)
Subject associations
ART 102
/ ARC 102
Cross-listed courses (Automatically Count as Departmentals)
Enter the New Negro: Black Atlantic Aesthetics (LA)
Subject associations
AAS 341
/ ART 375
Art, Apartheid, and South Africa (CD or LA)
Subject associations
AAS 411
/ ART 471
/ AFS 411
Advanced Seminar in American Studies: Art, Media & Environmental Justice (CD or LA)
Subject associations
AMS 403
/ ENV 403
/ ART 406
Allison Carruth
The Body in Space: Art, Architecture, and Performance (LA)
Subject associations
ECS 376
/ ARC 376
/ ART 386
Spyros Papapetros
Surrealism at One Hundred (LA)
Subject associations
FRE 358
/ ECS 358
/ ART 358
/ COM 365
Efthymia Rentzou
Topics in German Film History and Theory: Regimes of Spectacle in Weimar Cinema (EC or LA)
Subject associations
GER 308
/ ECS 308
/ ART 383
/ VIS 317
Thomas Y. Levin
Medicine, Literature, and the Visual Arts (EM or LA)
Subject associations
HUM 360
/ SLA 362
/ ART 363
/ AAS 333
Cognate Approved Courses NOT Cross-listed w/ ART
Visions of the Hispanic World (LA)
Subject associations
SPA 245
/ LAS 245
Cloe Cavero de Carondelet