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For questions regarding any event contact Mo Chen. To request accommodations for a disability, please contact Mo Chen 5 days prior to the event. Events are open to the public unless otherwise indicated. This page has the most up-to-date information so please check regularly.
Contributions to and/or sponsorship of any event do not constitute a departmental or institutional endorsement of the specific program, speakers, or views presented.
All Upcoming Events
- Rachael DeLue, Director, Humanities Initiative
- Barbara Graziosi, Chair, Department of Classics
- Carolina Mangone, Director, Program in Italian Studies
- Department of Classics
- Humanities Council
- Humanities Initiative
- Program in Italian Studies
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Index of Medieval Art
- Committee on Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Program in Italian Studies
- AffiliationVisiting Scholar, Princeton University | Professor & Chair, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- AffiliationArtist
- AffiliationPrinceton University Art Museum
- AffiliationUniversity of California, Los Angeles
- AffiliationHarvard University
- AffiliationThe University of Kansas
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- AffiliationThe University of Alabama
- AffiliationBrandeis University
- East Asian Studies Program
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS)
- Index of Medieval Art
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, with the support of the Dimitrios and Kalliopi Monoyios Modern Greek Studies Fund
A&A Lecture Series
Haley ’50 Memorial Lectures
The Haley Lecture Series was endowed in 1989 by William R. Haley, Class of 1945, in honor and memory of his late brother, James F. Haley, Class of 1950.
Will Haley was a philosophy major at Princeton, and his brother was a history major. Both brothers earned law degrees from Harvard. Will served for many years as legislative counsel to the late Senator John S. Cooper (Kentucky) and was a National Transportation Safety Board member.
Neither brother majored in art history, but both took several courses in the department. Will Haley credits these courses with giving him “in later years of travel a layman’s interest in art and architecture which (he) would never have had without the exposure of McCormick Hall.”
Janson-La Palme Lectures
The Robert Janson-La Palme *76 Visiting Professorship and Conference was endowed in 2002 in honor of Robert Janson-La Palme by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Lillian Marks.
Robert Janson-La Palme, professor emeritus of art history at Washington College in Maryland, received his B.A. from Brown University in 1952 and his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1976, studying under Professors Millard Meiss and John Rupert Martin.
This endowment was established to bring a visiting scholar and teacher of national and international stature to Princeton to teach and conduct other scholarly activities, primarily at the graduate level, in European art of the period 1200–1800 A.D.
- AffiliationPrinceton University | Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität BernPresentationPotosí in Antwerp, ca. 1635, or: Where does Mercury fly to when he leaves Antwerp in poverty and despair?
- AffiliationUniversity of MarylandPresentationThe Art of Peace – from the Adoration of the Magi to the Surrender of Breda
- Aaron M. HymanAffiliationJohns Hopkins UniversityPresentationWhere does Rubens End?
- AffiliationMuseum of Fine Arts, BostonPresentationPortraying an African King: The Afterlife of Rubens’s Portrait of Mulay Ahmad
- AffiliationUniversity of San FranciscoPresentationRubens, Leonardo, and the Edinburgh Hero and Leander Drawing: A Case Study in Conceptual Mining and Graphic Transformation
- AffiliationRubenshuis, AntwerpPresentationTout le monde pour ma patrie: Rubens and the World
- Adam SammutAffiliationUniversity of YorkPresentationThe man who sold to the world: Rubens’s portrait of Nicolas de Respaigne in Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel
- AffiliationScuola Normale Superiore, PisaPresentationRubens and Sculpture: Between Gender and Genres
- AffiliationJanson-La Palme *76 Visiting Professor, Princeton University | Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität BernPresentationIgneous Art: Rubens on Metamorphic Matter
- AffiliationYale UniversityPresentationMetamorphoses of the Earth and Fifteenth-Century Italian Landscapes
- AffiliationUniversity of OregonPresentationThe "Metamorphosis of Colors": Color Changes in Liquid Solutions
- AffiliationThe Institute of Fine Arts, New York UniversityPresentationSamblances et muances: Elemental Imaginary and French Vernacular Painting
- AffiliationConvener of conference, Robert Janson-La Palme Visiting Scholar, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton UniversityPresentationKeynote: Machines between Learning and Practice in Early Modern Europe
- Buket AltinobaAffiliationLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- AffiliationYale University
- AffiliationUniversity of Indiana
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- AffiliationMcGill University
- Jessica KeatingAffiliation
- AffiliationCa’ Foscari University
- AffiliationVillanova University
- AffiliationUniversity of Pennsylvania
- AffiliationMax Planck Institute for the History of Science
- AffiliationMichigan Technological University
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- Cristiano ZanettiAffiliationCalifornia Institute of Technology
Weitzmann Memorial Lectures
The Kurt Weitzmann Memorial Lecture Series in Late Antique, Early Christian, Byzantine, and Early Medieval Art was endowed by a bequest from the estate of Professor Kurt Weitzmann and Josepha Weitzmann-Fiedler.
Kurt Weitzmann joined Princeton University’s Department of Art and Archaeology in 1935 and spent the remainder of his scholarly career there and at the Institute for Advanced Study, where he was a permanent member of the School of Historical Studies. In 1938, he began his long association with Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University’s research center for Byzantine studies, where he presented the paper “Principals of Byzantine Book Illumination” even before the center was fully established. Always interested in the relationship between text and images, Weitzmann’s first major project at Princeton was preparing a corpus of illustrated manuscripts of the Septuagint, in collaboration with his Princeton colleagues Charles Rufus Morey and Albert M. Friend, Jr. His magnum opus in this series, The Byzantine Octateuchs, coauthored with Massimo Bernabò, was published posthumously in 1999. Among his other influential books is Illustrations in Roll and Codex, a distillation of his principles of manuscript interpretation, which appeared in 1947 and was later revised and reissued in 1970.
In 1956, he began his long association with the ancient Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai, where he co-directed a research expedition with George H. Forsyth, Jr., of the University of Michigan. This led to Weitzmann’s seminal publication of the monastery’s unparalleled collection of early Byzantine icons in 1976, followed by a volume on the manuscripts, The Illuminated Greek Manuscripts, volume 1, From the Ninth to the Twelfth Century, coauthored with George Galavaris, which appeared in 1990.
Weitzmann was responsible for training many of the leading medievalists of the next generation, including Robert P. Bergman, Lorenz Eitner, George Galavaris, Oleg Grabar, Thomas Hoving, Herbert Kessler, W. Eugene Kleinbauer, Robert Koch, John Rupert Martin, James Snyder, Paul Underwood, and Gary Vikan.
Kurt Weitzmann was conferred an honorary Doctor of Letters degree by Princeton University at his bedside shortly before his death in June of 1993.
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Index of Medieval Art
Index of Medieval Art Events
- Index of Medieval Art
- Committee on Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Program in Italian Studies
- Index of Medieval Art, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Jessica SavageAffiliationPrinceton University
- Maria Alessia RossiAffiliationPrinceton University
- Index of Medieval Art, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS)
- The Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, with the support of The Erric B. Kertsikoff Fund for Hellenic Studies
- Maria Alessia RossiAffiliationPrinceton University
- Jessica SavageAffiliationPrinceton University
- Patricia BlessingAffiliationPrinceton University
- William DieboldAffiliationReed College
- Shirin FoziAffiliationUniversity of Pittsburgh
- Gregor KalasAffiliationUniversity of Tennessee at Knoxville
- Kathryn M. RudyAffiliationUniversity of Saint Andrews
- Henry D. SchilbAffiliationPrinceton University
- Susanne WittekindAffiliationUniversität zu Köln
Program in Archaeology Events
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America
- AffiliationLiebieghaus Skulpturensammlung
- AffiliationLiebieghaus Skulpturensammlung
- Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), Thompson Lecture
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Steve EllisAffiliationUniversity of Cincinnati
Tang Center Events
- AffiliationVisiting Scholar, Princeton University | Professor & Chair, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- AffiliationArtist
- AffiliationPrinceton University Art Museum
- AffiliationUniversity of California, Los Angeles
- AffiliationHarvard University
- AffiliationThe University of Kansas
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- AffiliationThe University of Alabama
- AffiliationBrandeis University
- East Asian Studies Program
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Tang Center for East Asian Art
- AffiliationThe University of Chicago
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Art& Archaeology
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Art& Archaeology
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Art& Archaeology
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Tang Center for East Asian Art
- East Asian Studies Program
- Tang Center for East Asian Art
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- East Asian Studies Program
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Tang Center for East Asian Art
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- East Asian Studies Program
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
Reunions Lectures
Past Events
- Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund in the Humanities Council
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Classics
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Program in Visual Arts
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Program in Medieval Studies
- Center for Collaborative History
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of English
- Department of Religion
- Department of Classics
- Program in Archaeology, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Archaeological Institute of America
- Princeton Histories Fund
- Organized by staff in Princeton University libraries and the Index of Medieval Art
- AffiliationLiebieghaus Skulpturensammlung
- AffiliationLiebieghaus Skulpturensammlung
- Index of Medieval Art, Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Program in Medieval Studies
- Center for Collaborative History
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of English
- Department of Religion
- Department of Classics
- Effron Center for the Study of America
- Program in Latino Studies
- Department of African American Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Lewis Center for the Arts
- Program in Latin American Studies,
- Department of Religion
- Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- Program in Medieval Studies
- Center for Collaborative History
- Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
- Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
- Program in the Ancient World
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of Religion
- The Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- The Humanities Council
- The Center for Collaborative History
- The Department of Art & Archeology
- The Department of Comparative Literature
- The Rennaissance and Early Modern Studies
- The University Center for Human Values
- The Department of Religion
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Program in Medieval Studies
- Center for Collaborative History
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of English
- Department of Religion
- Department of Classics
- Program in Medieval Studies
- Center for Collaborative History
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of English
- Department of Religion
- Department of Classics
- Lewis Center for the Arts
- Council on Science and Technology
- The Collaboratorium
- Program in Visual Arts
- Lewis Center for the Arts
- Department of Art and Archaeology
- Humanities Council
- Program in Visual Arts
- Inclusive Princeton
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Princeton University Humanities Council
- Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES)
- Carl A. Fields Center
- Center for Digital Humanities
- University Center for Human Values
- Center for Collaborative History
- Princeton Graduate Student Government
- Lewis Center for the Arts
- Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Program in Medieval Studies
- Center for Collaborative History
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of English
- Department of Religion
- Department of Classics
- Layal Liverpool
- Aliya Ram
- Anna Arabindan-Kesson
- Art Hx
- Department of African American Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Humanities Council
- Program in Medieval Studies
- Center for Collaborative History
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of English
- Department of Religion
- Department of Classics
- AffiliationPrinceton University | Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität BernPresentationPotosí in Antwerp, ca. 1635, or: Where does Mercury fly to when he leaves Antwerp in poverty and despair?
- AffiliationUniversity of MarylandPresentationThe Art of Peace – from the Adoration of the Magi to the Surrender of Breda
- Aaron M. HymanAffiliationJohns Hopkins UniversityPresentationWhere does Rubens End?
- AffiliationMuseum of Fine Arts, BostonPresentationPortraying an African King: The Afterlife of Rubens’s Portrait of Mulay Ahmad
- AffiliationUniversity of San FranciscoPresentationRubens, Leonardo, and the Edinburgh Hero and Leander Drawing: A Case Study in Conceptual Mining and Graphic Transformation
- AffiliationRubenshuis, AntwerpPresentationTout le monde pour ma patrie: Rubens and the World
- Adam SammutAffiliationUniversity of YorkPresentationThe man who sold to the world: Rubens’s portrait of Nicolas de Respaigne in Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel
- AffiliationScuola Normale Superiore, PisaPresentationRubens and Sculpture: Between Gender and Genres
- Friends of Princeton University Library
- The Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
- Princeton University Library
- Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity
- Department of Art and Archaeology
- Princeton Humanities Council
- Program in the Ancient World
- Department of Classics
- Center for Digital Humanities
- AffiliationThe University of Chicago
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Art& Archaeology
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Art& Archaeology
- Susan DackermanAffiliationIndependent Scholar
- AffiliationUniversity of Cambridge
- Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- P.Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Center for East Asian Art
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Department of Art& Archaeology
- AffiliationNew York University
- AffiliationPrinceton University
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Art Hx in partnership with BlackStar Projects
- Department of African American Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative
- Center for Collaborative History
- Princeton Humanities Council
- Land, Language, and Art: a Humanities Council Global Initiative
- Lewis Center for the Arts.
- Princeton University Art Museum
- The Brazil Lab
- Department of Anthropology
- Humanities Council
- High Meadows Environmental Institute
- University Center for Human Values
- Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies
- Program in Latin American Studies
- Department of Art & Archaeology
- Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- Lewis Center for the Arts
- Effron Center for the Study of America
- The Collaboratorium
- Program in Visual Arts
- Program in Media and Modernity
- Department of Art & Archaeology